Myosarcoma (Liver) [1481/1]
Lymphosarcoma, pleomorphic histiocytic type, apparently primary in liver (Liver) [1481/2]
Cholangiolocellular carcinoma (Liver) [1481/3]
Cholangiocarcinoma of right hepatic duct extending to common hepatic duct, with right lobe atrophy. Multiple epatic cysts (Right epatic duct) [1481/4]
Hepatocellular carcinoma in B-viral cirrhosis (Right lobe of liver) [1481/5]
Liver cell adenoma (Liver) [1481/6]
Mixed hepatoblastoma (Left lobe of liver) [1481/7]
Liver, metastatic ductal carcinoma, primary in pancreas (Liver) [1481/8]
Infantile hemangioendothelioma (Liver) [1481/9]
Metastatic epithelioid leiomyosarcoma (leiomyoblastoma) (Liver) [1481/10]
Multilocular cystadenoma with questionable malignant change (Liver) [1481/11]
Androgen producing primary hepatic tumor (Liver) [1481/12]
Liver embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (Liver) [1481/13]
Focal nodular hyperplasia (Liver) [1481/14]
Liver yolk sac (Liver) [1481/15]
Undifferentiated malignant tumor, apparently primary in liver (Liver) [1481/16]
Giant cell carcinoma in noncirrhotic liver (Liver) [1481/17]
Sclerosing hepatocellular carcinoma (Liver) [1481/18]
Mixed hamartoma of the liver (Liver) [1481/19]
Lamellar fibrosis (Right lobe of liver) [1481/20]
Hepatocellular carcinoma, clear cell variant (Liver) [1481/21]
Squamous cell carcinoma primary in liver, possibly arising in hepatic cyst (Liver) [1481/22]
Cholangiocarcinoma, peripheral, small duct type (Liver) [1481/23]
Hepatocellular carcinoma, adenoid type arising in hemochromatotic liver (Liver) [1481/24]
Peripheral cholangiocarcinoma, large duct type, with inflammatory reaction (Liver) [1481/25]