Villous tumor of the sigmoid () [1465/1]
Hypertrophic gastritis () [1465/2]
Adenocarcinoma (Stomach) [1465/3]
Benign non-chromaffin paraganglioma () [1465/5]
Leiomyosarcoma of small intestine () [1465/6]
Hemangioma of the rectum () [1465/7]
Granular cell myoblastoma of the esophagus () [1465/8]
Diffuse nodular hyperplasia of Brunner's glands () [1465/9]
Degenerating leiomyoma? Leiomyoblastoma? () [1465/10]
Inflammatory fibroid polyp () [1465/11]
Malignant lymphoma of the intestines () [1465/12]
Squamous cell carcinoma (Stomach) [1465/13]
lymphoid pseudotumor and malignant lymphoma (stomach) [1465/14]
lymphoid pseudotumor and malignant lymphoma (stomach) [1465/15]
malignant melanoma in the small bowel () [1465/16]
Malignant lymphoma of the intestines () [1465/17]
Adenocarcinoma of the large bowel and a fibrous tumor of the mesentery () [1465/18]
Diverticulum and pools of mucin () [1465/19]
Transitional cloacogenic carcinoma (basaloid) of the anus () [1465/20]
Malignant lymphoma of the intestines () [1465/21]
Malignant lymphoma of the intestines () [1465/22]
Malakoplakia () [1465/23]
Carcinosarcoma of the esophagus () [1465/24]
Carcinoid of the rectum (Schistosomiasis in one set of slides) () [1465/25]