JuJtta-Articular Myxoma (Knee) [1319/1]
Plexiform Sehwannoma (Forearm) [1319/2]
Spindle Cell Sarcoma, Favor Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor (Supraclavicular Regioo) [1319/3]
Borderline Gastric Stromal Tumor, Epithelioid Type (Stomach) [1319/4]
Lipoma with Hibemomatous Features (Left Arm) [1319/5]
Sarcoma, Probably Metastatic from Myxoid/Rouod Cell Liposarcoma of Hip (Chest Wall) [1319/6]
Pleomorphic Liposarcoma (Leg) [1319/7]
Low Grade Myxoid Sarcoma ("MyxoObrosarcoma") (Spermatic Cord) [1319/8]
Consistent with Monophasic Synovial Sarcoma (Thigh) [1319/9]
unknown (Left external ear) [1319/10]