Fibro-epithelioma (of Pinkus) (Right flank) [1495/2]
Partially differentiated squamous cell carcinoma (Ear) [1495/3]
Keratoacanthoma (Lesion, left wrist) [1495/4]
Intra-epidermal squamous cell carcinoma (Perineum) [1495/5]
Tricho-epithelioma (Face) [1495/6]
Cylindroma (cylindromatous syringo-adenoma) (Mass beneath angle of mandible) [1495/7]
Extra mammary Paget's disease (Right labium majus) [1495/8]
Nodular hidradenoma (Left forearm) [1495/9]
malignant tumor,unclassified (Skin of back) [1495/10]
Papillary syringadenoma (of Werther) with in situ adenocarcinoma (Scalp) [1495/11]
Basal cell carcinomas (Skin, posterior left ear) [1495/12]
Invasive syringo-epithelioma (for want of a better term) (Nipple, right breast) [1495/13]
Granular cell 'myoblastoma' (Lesion, right leg) [1495/14]
Lymphosarcoma (Vertex of scalp) [1495/15]
Lymphosarcoma of skin and parotid gland (Skin of forehead and right parotid gland) [1495/16]
Hodgkin's disease of the skin (mycosis fungoides) (Skin of leg) [1495/17]
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (progressive recurrent dermatofibroma) (Skin of back) [1495/18]
Letter-Siwe's disease (malignanty histiocytosis) (Scalp and abdomen (autopsy)) [1495/19]
Urticaria pigmentosa (Lesions on back and neck) [1495/20]
Pigmented nevus with junctional proliferation (Pigmented lesion of skin, right knee) [1495/21]
Juvenile melanoma (spindle cell nevus) (Lesion, right cheek) [1495/22]
Pigmented nevus (Pigmented lesion on breast) [1495/23]
Cellular blue nevus (Buttocks) [1495/24]
Pigmented squamous cell carcinoma (Skin, pretibial region) [1495/25]