Malignant lymphoma, large cell, immunoblastic (Small bowel (ileum)) [1115/1]
Benign fibrous histiocytoma (dermatofibroma) with basaloid proliferation of overlying epithelium (Skin (thigh)) [1115/2]
Hyalinized deep leiomyoma (vs STUMP) (Peritoneum (pelvis)) [1115/3]
Fibroma (Heart) [1115/4]
Lymphangioma (Spleen) [1115/5]
Elastofibroma (Soft tissue (infrascapular)) [1115/6]
High grade transitional cell carcinoma (papillary), with associated xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (Kidney (pelvis)) [1115/7]
Chondroma (cellular) (Bone (toe phalanx)) [1115/8]
Called lipoblastoma. It looks to me more like a fibrous hamartoma of infancy (Soft tissue (back)) [1115/9]
Large B cell lymphoma (Thyroid) [1115/10]
Metastatic adenocarcinoma with sarcomatoid/ rhabdoid component (carcinosarcoma) (Soft tissue, chest wall) [1115/11]